Dan Friedman, program manager
Omar Ali, trombone player
The World as Classroom
Let’s Learn! is a global network and activity being built by and for people from all walks of life all over the world to share their knowledges, cultures, and histories with each other in creative ways. And it’s all free.
Let’s Learn! is joint project of the East Side Institute, a global research and learning center based in New York City and Lloyd International Honors College at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Our network extends to every inhabited continent on the planet.
Let's Learn! is best understood as a learning community rather than as a school in the traditional sense. All Let’s Learn! classes are free, and all the teachers and facilitators are volunteers. It requires no previous educational experience and it’s open to people of all ages. Let’s Learn! has no grades and offers no certificates or degrees. Our overall approach is to use play and performance as ways of learning and teaching. That said, teaching at Let’s Learn! has come in all forms from traditional lectures to participatory workshops to conversations and performances. The most important thing about Let’s Learn!, and why it’s been so successful, is that students attend out of curiosity and teachers volunteer because they are passionate about something they want to share.
We teach and learn all sorts of subjects at Let’s Learn! and students are free to come to the ones they’re interested in and to ignore the others. Our classes range from theatre to philosophy, from chemistry to literature, from mental health and wellness to history, from poetry to physics, from climate change to Chinese traditional medicine. Sometimes, we combine them in unusual ways.
Let’s Learn! not only blurs disciplinary boundaries, it also works to break down the distinctions between “experts’ and non-experts. Our teachers include world-class scholars, teachers, and researchers in the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanities, elders, healers, and specialists of all kinds together with all interested persons to share their local and global knowledges, cultures, histories, and emotions.
While most of the participants in Let’s Learn! have been from the United States, faculty and students have also hailed from Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Costa Rica, Greece, India, Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, and Zimbabwe. Our classes have been offered primarily in English, but we have also held classes in Spanish and Mandarin, and we’d love to do classes originating in dozens of other countries and using many other languages.
We want new ideas for classes and workshops, new volunteer teachers, tech support, and help in getting the world out about Let's Learn. Scroll down to sign up.
If you’re interested in learning about upcoming classes, click at the top of this page on “Current Class Schedule and Registration.” If you have classes you’d like to suggest and/or teach, click on “Help Build Let’s Learn!” If you have questions, you can directly contact program manager Dan Friedman at: danfriedmannyc@gmail.com